Jan. 17th, 2013
Symposium of China-European Economic Partnership in New Era
was held in Beijing
In the afternoon of 17th Jan, 2013, the Symposium of China-European Economic Partnership in New Era co-organized by CCTV Financial Channel and other think tanks was held in Beijing. Mr. Yu Hongjun, Vice Minister of International Department of Central Committee of CPC and Mr. Wei Jianguo, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of China Center for International Economic Exchanges delivered opening speech respectively. Mr. Romano Prodi, former President Of European Union and Former PM of Italy, Mr. Gaojian, Chairman of China Development Bank Securities, and Mr. Xiao Wunan, Executive Vice Chairman of Asia Pacific Exchange & Cooperation Foundation participated in the round table panel and discussed on topic of China-European economic complementarities and cooperation forecast.
From Left to Right: Mr. Zhang Yansheng, Secretary General of the Academic Committee of the NDRC, Mr. Xiao Wunan, the Executive Vice Chairman of APECF , Mr. Wei Jianguo, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of CCIEE, Mr. Romano Prodi, Former President of the EU and former PM of Italy, Mr.Gao Jian, Chairman of the Board, China Development Bank Securities, Mr. Alberto Forchielli, President of Osservatorio Asia were in discussion.